Monday, July 19, 2004

Blogging Journalism

Over at Corante, Ernest Miller argues that 'The Next Generation of Journalists Will Start as Bloggers'. Interesting.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Introductory Blogging Webliography

Some good reading to situate blogs in their wider historical, cultural and pedagodical contexts:

Blood, Rebecca." Weblogs: A History and Perspective." Rebecca's Pocket, 7 September 2000,

Glaser, Mark. "Scholars Discover Weblogs Pass Test as Mode of Communication." Online Journalism Review, 11 May 2004,

Gurak, Laura, et al., eds. Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community and the Culture of Weblogs. 2004,

Walker, Jill & Mortensen, Torill. "Personal Publication as an Online Research Tool. With Torill Mortensen. In Researching ICTs in Context." InterMedia Report, ed. Andrew Morrison, Oslo, 2002,